As of late i have been thinking about what Jesus Christ did on the Cross.and also was thinking about myself and how i have so many dysfunctions but Christ still loves me. A no good sinner, but then i realized that God isnt like us. He's God, and his ways are high above us,we will never understand him, but one thing i do understand is that no matter what God still loves me and you! We all have messed up pasts but God put our "stuff" on the Cross so that we might live! Amazing isnt it?
Rev 21:7 reads "He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and i will be his God, and he shall be my son" If we just keep on running this race we shall inherit the kingdom of Heaven. Sometimes it's not so easy, trying to live holy in an unholy world is rough. You're constantly battered on all sides, your mind is under attack, and everything is just messed up because of sin. But amidst all of this we have someone we can turn to, God! He's able to strengthen our feeble knees, and empower us with his might!
One last thing i was thinking about this week was, living Holy for the Lord everyday, not just on Sunday.
It's so easy to fall into "Holy mode" on Sundays, then just go back to the same old stuff from Mon - Sat. I was saying to the Lord, "i want to live holy everyday of my life, and i need your help" Lately i have been struggling alot with this, but i came to the realization that no matter what i am going to do this, no matter how the enemy wants to work in my life. Sometimes we need to get to a place in life where we say enough is enough and just "do"! I got tired of letting the enemy walk all over me and i refuse to let him have victory in my life. Knowing we fight a mighty enemy, know this. We server a mighty God who is more then able to bring us through our trial and temptations! Wait on the Lord: be of Good Courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart, wait, i say on the Lord. Ps 27:14.
God Bless you, we are winners, and we will overcome by the Blood!!!
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